I wonder if anyone of you have any advice to offer me. My mouse's right button have been seriously wierd for a a long time now. In almost every game, when I click the right mouse button, the camera angle changes. Sometimes it changes just a little but sometimes it rotates 180 degress. Obviously, it's impossible to play any kind of game where you use the right mouse button, like FPS games and such. Was gonne try out AC brotherhood but since it's a crappy porting from console to PC, of couse you can change the mouse buttons. Other times I change from the right mouse button to the thumb button for aiming down scope and stuff like that.
The weirdest thing is that even though I change USB-port and even mouse, the problem is still there. I have tried to disable the mouse and re-installing new drivers, but to no avail. I don't want to spend money buying a new mouse if the problem won't dissapear, and it seems the problem is not with the mouse/mouses, but rather with drivers or whatnot.
I've googled it but found nothing helpful. Damn, I really fucking hate this problem