Need help - My mouse's right button is fucked up

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Need help - My mouse's right button is fucked up

Post by Bane »

Hola amigos,

I wonder if anyone of you have any advice to offer me. My mouse's right button have been seriously wierd for a a long time now. In almost every game, when I click the right mouse button, the camera angle changes. Sometimes it changes just a little but sometimes it rotates 180 degress. Obviously, it's impossible to play any kind of game where you use the right mouse button, like FPS games and such. Was gonne try out AC brotherhood but since it's a crappy porting from console to PC, of couse you can change the mouse buttons. Other times I change from the right mouse button to the thumb button for aiming down scope and stuff like that.

The weirdest thing is that even though I change USB-port and even mouse, the problem is still there. I have tried to disable the mouse and re-installing new drivers, but to no avail. I don't want to spend money buying a new mouse if the problem won't dissapear, and it seems the problem is not with the mouse/mouses, but rather with drivers or whatnot.

I've googled it but found nothing helpful. Damn, I really fucking hate this problem :( Any help and/or advice would be appreciated.
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Re: Need help - My mouse's right button is fucked up

Post by shiram »

Does it act weird only in games?
Maybe recreate your windows profile, or reinstalling your games? Or just plain reinstalling windows, but that's a pain.
Try inversing the buttons on your mouse, and test in games for results.

That is a weird one for sure.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Need help - My mouse's right button is fucked up

Post by Bane »

Yupp, only in games as far as I know. I've tried changing the buttons, left to right. but the problem stays. I've tried many different gamers, all have the same error.

I googled some more and some guy wrote it might have to do with the button somehow being linked to the scroll wheel, but then again, it just gotta be some kind of softweare error since it occurs even if I change the mouse :-/

I'm gonny try reinstalling everything, but it's a pain indeed *sigh* :(
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Re: Need help - My mouse's right button is fucked up

Post by Hylandor »

Are you using a touch screen?

windows motions for touch screen may be the cause. Check into anything that may be predefining mouse actions. It seems like a tool/setting is causing this.

Other suggestion(unlikely though) would be to clear your prefetch for these games. Start->Run->Prefetch

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Re: Need help - My mouse's right button is fucked up

Post by Bane »

Nope, no touch screen or anything out of the ordinary.

Never heard of prefetch before and when I open it I don't know what to do in there :) I see alot of exe-files and stuff, do you mean I should just delete them?
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Re: Need help - My mouse's right button is fucked up

Post by Hylandor »

You should have a prefetch file associated to the game. Essentially, a prefetch file informs your machine how to load the executable. This cuts down on load times when you launch the game. You will notice that if you clear your prefetch for a certain EXE, then the next time you load that software, it will take a bit longer. After loading the software again, a new prefetch is created and your load time from that point will be quicker.

These files are not EXE files. For example, I use dreamweaver and have a PF file named ''

I however am not sure if mouse settings are auto loaded via the prefetch.

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Re: Need help - My mouse's right button is fucked up

Post by Bane »

Heh, ok I understand. I doubt it'll make a difference though since whenever I start new games I get the same "error", so deleting the prefetch file and then re-starting the game would most likely just re-start the error as well.

Googled a little about re-mapping buttons and found a tool which lets me re-map in logitech setpoint. Gonna try this out, perhaps re-mapping the right mouse button to the thumb button fixes the problem, if indeed it has something to do with the scroll wheel.

EDIT: Bah.. I'm just not nerdy enough :( I can't udnerstand wtf to do with theis re-mapping program. There's no options for changing anything. I think I'm supposed to use some kind of "macros". Have anyone of you guys any experience with such things?

I'm using logitech setpoint and an add-on program called "uberoptions" which said something about enabling re-mapping of buttons.
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<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Re: Need help - My mouse's right button is fucked up

Post by StormCrow »

sounds to me like theres a short in your mouse or something of that nature, you wouldn't really see any odd screen stuff on desktop while right clicking (cause it doesn't move obviously). So when you right click it sends a signal that your moving the mouse even if you're not or scroll wheel etc. Might just need to get a new mouse. Although before you do that just uninstall all your mouse drivers/software and just try running with the windows default drivers and see if the issue persists, that way you can rule out software as the culprit. Although it sounds like you have one of the more expensive logitech mice so it probably wouldn't be too economical to replace, you could always call their support and see if they will fix it, or switch it out if theres a warranty on the thing still. A lot of the these expensive mice/keyboards come with good manufacturer's warranty's nowadays.

EDIT: Realized this post is over a year old probably already solved your own problem =/

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Re: Need help - My mouse's right button is fucked up

Post by Kadian »

True, this post is old, but I think the key idea is still valid... When your mouse is all f-ed up, buy a new mouse you cheep bastard!

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Re: Need help - My mouse's right button is fucked up

Post by RoamingMadness »

Old or not, my left mouse button double/triple clicks on its own.. guess it's about that time..
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

There probably isn't any meaning in life. Perhaps you can find something interesting to do while you are alive. Like how you found that flower. Like how I found you.

Buttons aren't toys.

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Re: Need help - My mouse's right button is fucked up

Post by Bane »

Naah, it was never the hardware. Ofc I tried other mouses, all experienced the same issue so it must have been the drivers. Bought a new mouse which has it's own drivers and not standard windows crap, so it's all good now.. well almost. The buttons is still fucked up in Skyrim sometimes, so had to quit the idea of going spellsword since I coulnd't choose spells/items using left/right mouse buttons in the menues, heh.. Went with a twohander isntead :P

I guess once I sell this fucking comp and replace it, as well as the shitty old Vista I have installed (just been to lazy to bother with win7), thing's be fine. I have a Qpad 5k now, or whatever it's name is. Great mouse btw.
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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