Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

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Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Crow »

Seriously, he was in office for 12 days and got nominated...

Heres your fox news breakdown of his first 12 days.

http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2009/10/ ... prize-win/ :lol:
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by shiram »

yea i heard that on the radio this morning
and i couldnt quite believe it
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Styrofoam »

So i asked a liberal friend of mine what she thought about this: and this is basically what she said.

"The nobel committee considered many things in Picking Barak Obama. Amongst those things were:
All of the speeches he's given regarding peace, he closed gitmo, Climate control respecting the UN, working with the EU to reduce dependence on fossil Fuels, working with enemies like cuba and Venezuela to achieve a common goal, his work on peace in the mid-east, his work with Iran, and quite frankly, him not being bush (this is no joke, she said that)."

SO i wrote back:

"Obama didn't write his speeches, he only read them. He hasn't closed Gitmo, he hasn't lowered the temprature of the earth or its atmosphere 1 degree centigrade, the USA still is dependent on Fossil fuels, he only talked about Iran and didn't do anything about the dictator rigging the election, everyone wants peace in the mid-east and I don't even know where to start abouthow him not being Bush qualifies him for a Nobel peace prize...

How about this... I didn't write Obama's speeches either, nor have I closed Gitmo, i haven't lowered the temp on earth or in the atmosphere, lowered the fossil fuel dependency, All i did was talk about Iran, I want peace in the mid-east as much as anyone and hell, I'm not George Bush either. By those standards, You should give me the Nobel peace Prize."
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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by StormCrow »

nobel peace prize has meant jack all for 50 years now, but I can honestly say he deserves it more than Bush. Although that's not saying a lot.

Its just some BS that they try to make important when really 90% of the recipients don't do jack shit.

hell Al gore won a fucking nobel peace prize, what the fuck did he do? OOOOOOOH he helped spread awareness of global warming?? by that standard obama deserves about 10 peace prizes (of course they are worthless so it doesn't matter).

its just retardation in its truest form, like listening to Limbaugh on the radio.

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Styrofoam »

You missed the point entirely. No one has even said Bush deserved the peace prize. She said that the criteria for winning was "not being Bush." Which 6.5 BILLION people meet.
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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Kadian »

My opinion is that they can give it to whoever they want, it's their award... They could give it to Mike Tyson if they wanted, so who cares....

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Hylandor »

They can give it to whomever they want, however if the people they give it to are considered undeserving of it, the reward loses any prestigious value it has maintained. It really becomes a joke of an award. Methinks this is just the boards way of trying to influence American politics.

Nominated after two weeks in office? Really?

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Kadian »

The other obvious fact people seem to be forgetting is that you don't have to be President to win the award, perhaps it was based entirely on things he did before he was President.... I mean it's not like he only began existing on day 1 of his presidency, he was a politician before, he gave his opinions during the campaign that they may have felt were helpful to the world, or whatever. Point is I don't know why they chose him either, but neither do any of you, unless they have explained their reasons now, so there's really no reason to sit around complaining about it...

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Bane »

Hylandor wrote:They can give it to whomever they want, however if the people they give it to are considered undeserving of it, the reward loses any prestigious value it has maintained.
I agree with this, but I doubt they try to influence american politics with their choice. Rather I think they just didn't have anyone better and more deserving to choose. Him being seen as quite different from bush, like him being more open-minded about other countries' opinions, may have affected, but that's just speculation on my part ofc.
Kadian wrote:The other obvious fact people seem to be forgetting is that you don't have to be President to win the award, perhaps it was based entirely on things he did before he was President.... I mean it's not like he only began existing on day 1 of his presidency, he was a politician before, he gave his opinions during the campaign that they may have felt were helpful to the world, or whatever.
Good point.
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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Hylandor »

Kadian wrote:The other obvious fact people seem to be forgetting is that you don't have to be President to win the award, perhaps it was based entirely on things he did before he was President.... I mean it's not like he only began existing on day 1 of his presidency, he was a politician before, he gave his opinions during the campaign that they may have felt were helpful to the world, or whatever. Point is I don't know why they chose him either, but neither do any of you, unless they have explained their reasons now, so there's really no reason to sit around complaining about it...
Actually, if you read the press release(Oct 9, 2009), they explain themselves, and it's all centered around his presidency. So I think for you to say that we don't know why they chose him, is a little off, especially since they outline why they chose him.

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Kadian »

Let's all read it...

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges."

Oslo, October 9, 2009

See Below....

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Kadian »

"for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."
Could be throughout his entire life, especially during his political career, it does not say "as President" after this sentence.

"Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics."
Here it does say "as President" but this absolutely did occur as soon as he became President because of what he promised during the campaign, as soon as he stepped into office the world knew there was a new climate in the U.S., so it's fair... and yes, in the first 12 days he immediately started working on it. So based on Obama being himself and believing in what he believes in he immediately created a new climate in international politics...

"The vision of a world free from nuclear arms"

It does not take months or years for us to learn his vision....

"Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened."
This clearly shows that they are looking to what will be the later results of his actions also, not just what he did in 12 days.

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."
Again, clearly based on Obama's entire campaign as well as his Presidency, I mean CLEARLY, he captured the world's attention way before stepping in office, and "giving people hope" was a HUGE part of his campaign.

So basically I think you couldn't be more wrong when you claim "it's all centered around his presidency" because other than one time when they say "as President" for one particular subject, I don't see any statement that says that this is based entirely on his Presidency, do you? Unless you know of some other press release from Oct. 9th, in which case please provide it.
Either way this is why I said "unless they have explained their reasons now" so I also clearly stated that I wasn't sure if they explained their reasons or not and since I was on vacation I really didn't spend a lot of time searching for it.... so I was saying that part of my statement might be wrong and I knew that, so you do know the reasons, and right wingers as usual have spun it to look like something it is not...

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Hylandor »

Kadian wrote:"for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."
Could be throughout his entire life, especially during his political career, it does not say "as President" after this sentence.

"Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics."
Here it does say "as President" but this absolutely did occur as soon as he became President because of what he promised during the campaign, as soon as he stepped into office the world knew there was a new climate in the U.S., so it's fair... and yes, in the first 12 days he immediately started working on it. So based on Obama being himself and believing in what he believes in he immediately created a new climate in international politics...

"The vision of a world free from nuclear arms"

It does not take months or years for us to learn his vision....

"Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened."
This clearly shows that they are looking to what will be the later results of his actions also, not just what he did in 12 days.

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."
Again, clearly based on Obama's entire campaign as well as his Presidency, I mean CLEARLY, he captured the world's attention way before stepping in office, and "giving people hope" was a HUGE part of his campaign.

So basically I think you couldn't be more wrong when you claim "it's all centered around his presidency" because other than one time when they say "as President" for one particular subject, I don't see any statement that says that this is based entirely on his Presidency, do you? Unless you know of some other press release from Oct. 9th, in which case please provide it.
Either way this is why I said "unless they have explained their reasons now" so I also clearly stated that I wasn't sure if they explained their reasons or not and since I was on vacation I really didn't spend a lot of time searching for it.... so I was saying that part of my statement might be wrong and I knew that, so you do know the reasons, and right wingers as usual have spun it to look like something it is not...
The first paragraph is an opening paragraph to quickly outline what the following paragraphs will be addressing. The paragraph directly after the opener has a topic sentence stating "Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics." This sentence is used as a preface to the rest of the paragraph, explaining what he has done AS president to create a new climate in international politics.

The following paragraphs address Obama's power to "capture the world's attention." How exactly is he able to capture the world's attention? Well read the closing paragraph to figure that out... by becoming the "world's leading spokesman."

I'm sorry they didn't put "as President" in front of every sentence. The repetition isn't needed, and makes for crappy writing. I stand by my statement of their reasoning being centered around his presidency.

Why does it seems like you always default to right wingers spinning what's presented to them. Probably because it's too hard to actually tell yourself "perhaps the right wingers are just trying to justify the award." Heaven forbid we actually become curious to why the award was handed to Obama. Do I need to further emphasize my point by showing you articles of left wingers pondering the same question? And believe me, it's not just a small portion of them..

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Kadian »

I'm sorry but I just disagree with your reading of the statement, I really don't see how this statement means they based this award on 12 days of Presidency, but on the person as a whole, and it makes more sense that they would base it on the person as a whole, so I expect that this would be the case.

Of course they did not say "as President" in front of every sentence, no shit, what I was saying is they said that only about one particular topic, just because they said it once does not mean it applies to all the numerous other reasons they listed, unless the statement said "These reasons are all based entire on what he has done since becoming President." or something like that, which of course they do not say.

Sometimes you have to just realize that whatever makes the most sense is also probably the truth. If you want to believe that the Nobel comittee is just a bunch of Obama fans who just wanted to give him an award because they loved him so much after 12 days, not taking into consideration at all the things he did before Jan. 20, in fact they somehow erased all that from their memory, I guess you are free to believe that.

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Hylandor »

Kadian wrote: Of course they did not say "as President" in front of every sentence, no shit, what I was saying is they said that only about one particular topic, just because they said it once does not mean it applies to all the numerous other reasons they listed, unless the statement said "These reasons are all based entire on what he has done since becoming President." or something like that, which of course they do not say.
Actually, because they said it once as the topic sentence of the paragraph, it DOES mean the rest that follows is a further explanation of that topic. The bulk of their reasoning is outlined in that single paragraph. Other than that paragraph, they emphasize his connection to the rest of world as a universal spokesman. Again, as I said, they consider him a world's spokesman, clearly because of what he is able to do and how he is able to do it as president, not as someone running for president. It is far fetched to assume the award was based on his character and accomplishments leading up to the presidency, and quite honestly, even a worse justification of the award being given to him.

Bottom line is there is more in that article centered around his presidency than what he "accomplished" before his presidency.... using the word "accomplished" extremely loosely.

But by all means, keep telling everyone that it could be based on his work not as president, or a mix of the two. Your level of not knowing the real reasoning shows just how bad the committee is at explaining it as well. Could this be directly correlated to why people like me are saying "I don't get it? Huh? Why Obama?" Answer = of course

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Styrofoam »

I agree with hylandor here....

Obama has done nothing in his 9 months as president... but that nothing is amplified by his record in the senate...in the IL state congress... etc.

The guy is a joke. He's nothing but campaign promises and nothing is getting done. Its been that way for ages. He basically voted present in the senate. Its all based on campaign speeches and personality cult worship. the sooner we realize that this is what we got ourselves into by elected this narcissistic ego into the white house the sooner we can get it out.
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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Bane »

Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by shiram »

oh that makes sense
well except Palin becoming president...
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by Kadian »

Styrofoam wrote:I agree with hylandor here....

Obama has done nothing in his 9 months as president... but that nothing is amplified by his record in the senate...in the IL state congress... etc.

The guy is a joke. He's nothing but campaign promises and nothing is getting done. Its been that way for ages. He basically voted present in the senate. Its all based on campaign speeches and personality cult worship. the sooner we realize that this is what we got ourselves into by elected this narcissistic ego into the white house the sooner we can get it out.
Ok, I both agree and disagree with your statements in so many ways this might take a sec...

First, I totally agree that he has done nothing in his 9 months, he has done so little it's not funny, which is why his approval ratings are going down, he needs to start accomplishing some of the things he promised, that's for sure....

Now here is what I disagree with on your opening comment.... First of all the entire argument here is whether the Nobel committee based the award on 12 days of Presidency or if they took into consideration the campaign and time between being elected and taking office (they did). I may have mentioned time in the senate also, but we've been through this before, and no, he did not accomplish much their either.... fair enough.... So what am I saying here, well the Nobel committee had time to nominate people between September and the end of January, and if you'll think back to that time frame you'll have to remember the atmosphere of the country at the time.... Basically Obama was nominated then elected and people were freaking out about a black President and claiming that it was the end of racism, people were talking about how he was like a rock star for his attraction around the world (bringing the world together... or whatever) and expecting this was the hope and future of America, he was promising to end the war in Iraq, close Gitmo, and successfully wrap things up in Afganistan.
From a CNN article...
"Nominations for the prize had to be postmarked by February 1, only 12 days after Obama took office. The committee sent out its solicitation for nominations last September, two months before Obama was elected president."

In my opinion this is more than enough reason to at least be nominated since in that time frame I can't think of any bigger person influencing the world... If you want to claim that the nomination has nothing to do with what has happened since the first 12 days you can't complain about the last 9 months or so because they apparently don't apply (to this award).

If you think he is a joke that is also fair given the situation today... and if you argued that he shouldn't have been elected that is another topic, but like I said, between Sept. and Jan. it is not so crazy to think he would be nominated, and in the month or two after being elected to think they would pick him is also not so crazy, a majority of the world (not just the U.S.) was in some love affair or honeymoon thing with Obama which was talked about quite a bit. So I say it's both fair, and it is based on both his time as President Elect as well as President, and maybe also based partially on his campaign.

All this being said, perhaps the Nobel Prize Committee was just fooled into loving him, but my argument is that at the time it was a fair opinion, and it was based on more than 12 days....

http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peac ... ates/2009/
"for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"
Still, this is their main reason for the award, so I still argue that it was fair at the time...

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Re: Obama wins the Nobel peace prize

Post by flint »

Barack Hussein Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize

90 minutes later NASA bombs the moon

coincidence? I think not
if youre gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
shiram wrote:heh seeing as how the only other members we've seen in bathing suit are, iirc, Lisa, and mac...

so yea

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