If the republicans put a woman up for vp how would the dems.

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If the republicans put a woman up for vp how would the dems.

Post by Crow »


http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanm ... ml?showall

very poorly if you ask me.

http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar ... ary-a.html

biden realizes that he could be a detriment to the election.

http://briefingroom.thehill.com/2008/09 ... for-women/

Biden remarks "I assume she thinks and agrees with the same policies that George Bush and John McCain think," Biden added. "And that's obviously a backward step for women."

http://wcbstv.com/campaign08/barack.oba ... 14491.html

and Obama is still trying to figure his way out of the "lipstick on a pig" comment.

I honestly don't think this will be a close election at all. The dems don't have enough workingman relationships built at this point, so a few of these battleground states are going to be harder for them to win. They can't get the point across without someone in their party running their mouth.

What we will see is a huge portion of the black population coming out to vote, because for the first time its not old white man vs old white man.

One side is going to make a mistake and it won't be fixed, and I have a feeling its going to be the Dems because of the amount of comments that can be taken out of context without much effort. And their primary goal seems to be "compare them to Bush" and I don't believe its going to win the election sticking to that mantra.
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."

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Post by RoamingMadness »

I still say 60/40 McCain landslide.

Honestly... lying and taking things out of context.. as far as i can tell, that's been 100% of the republican campaign for the past two elections. Why should this one be any different?
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Post by Genie »

I love how the media keeps playing mccains lipstick comment he made back in what, march or may or somethin. They think thats bad and try to play off obamas remark.
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Post by Crow »

With well known and respected liberal spokespeople like Pam Anderson and Matt Damon spouting off about Palin you know the Dems are pulling in the big guns... :roll:
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."

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Post by RoamingMadness »

Genie wrote:I love how the media keeps playing mccains lipstick comment he made back in what, march or may or somethin. They think thats bad and try to play off obamas remark.
I don't think Obama's comment was bad at all. The media played her lipstick comment over and over again. McCain's campaign has rapidly been shifting towards change. And Obama used a phrase that is pretty commonly known that also used lipstick to attack McCain's recent changes. I don't think this is so absurd. I actually think it was a good response. I think people are overly sensitive to this, because they're acting like Obama can't say ANYTHING to a woman. Its pretty lame imo.
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Post by Kadian »

Crow wrote:With well known and respected liberal spokespeople like Pam Anderson and Matt Damon spouting off about Palin you know the Dems are pulling in the big guns... :roll:
I think it's funny how when a celebrity spouts off about a liberal issue or backs a dem republicans jump all over it, as if it's any different when they do it.....

They are people too you know, they can give their opinions just like the republican celebrities do (and they do), it doesn't mean they have been recruited by Obama to say it...... although that's what the republicans would like you to think, so you can think that they are getting desperate or whatever.....

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Post by Crow »

"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."

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Post by RoamingMadness »

thats so funny
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Post by Bane »

hehe disabled.. :) You have to choose your words carefully when interviewed, something this dude forgot for a second, hehe
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Post by Kadian »

I'm usually up for a good round of "find stupid crap politicians say that can be taken the wrong way and make an argument out of it" but I'm just too busy to search the web tonight, so how about this...

Instead of pointing out the few poorly spoken comments of the hundreds of democrats out there, how about giving us a reason to believe she is worth voting for... What has she done that's good, what makes her a good vp pick?

I've heard a lot about the dumb stuff a few Democrats have said, but I haven't heard any reason why she is actually a good pick (other than to draw female voters)....

What about her husbands desire to have Alaska secede from the U.S.?

What about firing the Public Safety Commisioner for an "unauthorized trip" to D.C. to request funding for fighting sexual violence when it was actually authorized by her chief of staff. He also happens to be the guy who refused to fire the cop who was divorcing her sister. By the way, Alaska leads the U.S. in reported forcible rape, so I guess her position is to not try to get funds to help prevent that, even when the trip is authorized by her administration? She could have just said that Alaska is an "employment at will" state and she didn't need a reason to fire him, so why did she try to make one up?

Why does the Alaska State Senate President (a republican from Palin's same town) not agree with Palin's policy ideas in Alaska? (of course the standard response here is to make the other republican bad or something, but remember that not so long ago that John McCain was that guy for disagreeing with republicans)

Why did she claim to visit Iraq when she only visited a military base near the border without actually entering Iraq?

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Post by Styrofoam »

Obama up 9 points int he latest poll. God help us...
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Post by Kadian »

Everyone should know by now that the overall poll doesn't matter, the race is close, but all that matters in the end is who will pick up more of the toss up states that are out there, like Ohio and Florida. Florida is of course the biggest right now and I think that McCain has a 1 point lead, but that is within the margin of error of course....

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Post by RoamingMadness »

And McCain blew off the first debate.

Only two left.

Edit- I guess he didn't. w00t first debate..
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Post by shiram »

that was one of the lamest thing i heard
about how he would postpone the debate for that 700trillion billion dollar thing

anyways, USA politics is much more fun than canadian politics
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Post by StormCrow »

i'm waiting for the VP debate, that should be epic.

I'm seriously worried about the prospect of Mccain winning at this point with Palin as his VP, just seeing her in action makes me feel like a deer caught in the headlights, and i can't stop the car from making me a big red stain on the highway.

lets hope Obama wins at this point.

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Post by Hylandor »

I missed the first half of the debate, which I hear Obama shined. From the half I watched, McCain I feel did a better job.

The bracelet segment I felt was overdoing it, rehersed out and seemed to be forced into the answer when it didnt belong.

Palin I feel is going to get worked

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Post by Mikeyrat »

Sorry I haven't commented much, but maybe you all are glad lol!

Anyway, I've said before, I'm no big fan of McCain, but he's a better alternative in many respects. I hated his politics the last few years, and always considered him a RINO. Irks me to vote for him.

As far as Palin in concerned, yeah, she's inexperienced, but she's also not the top of the ticket. I'm sorry, but if you take an unbiased look at her political accomplishments and Obama's, though in vastly different areas, they'd probably stack up about the same... only thing is, she's a heartbeat away from the presidency, while his would be.

The most incredible thing about this election, and to me the most fun to watch and laugh about is the press. Never have we EVER seen such bias on display, EVER. I mean, SNL has been doing political parody lampooning candidates and elected officials for 30 years... so why is this news:

http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/TV/09/2 ... pstoryview

Now, I thought the first skit with her and the Hillary clone were funny, and I didn't see this one, but why, suddenly, is CNN covering what SNL is running? Its absurd, other than to highlight the jokes as a journalistic poke at Palin.

What's more, while the press follows up every whiff of rumor about everything from rape kits to moose hunts to her stammering in an interview, they choose to completely ignore real investigations into Obama's past, where there are some legitimate issues worth looking into. And as far as not hardly mentioning Biden's doofey comments (though, hey, his goofyness is EXACTLY what they expect from him daily), its stupid. But imagine if Palin or McCain had said that President FDR went on TV in 1929 how the press would have had a field day. (In case you didn't know, FDR wasn't president until much later, and TV was still a lab experiment).

Finally, Roam, about the lipstick on a pig comment... I'm sorry, but I watched the video, several times, carefully. Obama is a masterful speaker, and part of that mastery is timing, inflection, and reading audience reaction. The audience CLEARLY took that line as a poke at Palin, and while that may have not been his intent, he realized it quickly and maximized its impact with his pauses and cadence. A decent man would have clarified his remarks and apologized, even if the audience wouldn't have bought that either.
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Post by RoamingMadness »

Oh don't get me wrong, i think he tied the two of them together on purpose. I just think it was a valid point.

Biden is going to kill her in the vp debate, utterly kill

The 1st presidential debate id have to say is probably a tie. Possibly in favor of obama. But only because both of them did so poorly. Obama either lacks a point to make, or isnt capable of making one. And McCain is a appears senile rambling off topic on every question.

60/40 McCain-Crazylady
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