Beast Master Info/Guide

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Beast Master Info/Guide

Post by Genie »

Im compiling a list of all the information in regards to the new Beast Master expertise in this thread. A lot of the info I am posting here has bee blatantly ripped off from other sites and/or locations; mainly due in nature to the validity it has towards the game and BM in general. If anyone who originally wrote or posted this info anywhere on the forums (be they SWG forums or not) has a problem with my using the material here. Well, just CMN and get over it.
Without further adeu or some french garbage, I give you Beast Master Expertise.

Last edited by Genie on Mon May 21, 2007 5:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The fleecy cloud may kiss the sky...the rose may kiss the butterfly...the morning dew may kiss the grass...and you, my friend, can kiss my ass!

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Post by Genie »

Last edited by Genie on Thu May 10, 2007 6:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
The fleecy cloud may kiss the sky...the rose may kiss the butterfly...the morning dew may kiss the grass...and you, my friend, can kiss my ass!

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Post by Genie »

Heres a listing of all the components needed for Beast Master, along with the resource requirements and stat needs.

Element Processing Filter (Domestic Goods)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Element Processing Canister (Ingredient)
consumable: yes

250 Gemstone
500 Radioactive

Enzyme Purity:
DR: 20%
OQ: 80%
Mutagen Potential:
DR: 20%
OQ: 80%

Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Filter (Domestic Goods)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Tray (Ingredient)
consumable: yes

250 Fiberplast

Enzyme Purity:
DR: 20%
OQ: 80%
Mutagen Potential:
DR: 20%
OQ: 80%

Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Mixture (Domestic Goods)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Tray (Ingredient)
consumable: yes

250 Class 1 Liquid Petro Fuel

Enzyme Purity:
DR: 20%
OQ: 80%
Mutagen Potential:
DR: 20%
OQ: 80%

Enzyme Extraction Canister (Domestic Goods)
needed by: Munitions
needed for: Enzyme Extractor (Item)
consumable: yes

250 Steel
350 Iron
650 Low-Grade Ore

Enzyme Purity:
DR: 20%
OQ: 80%
Mutagen Potential:
DR: 20%
OQ: 80%

Enzyme Re-Processor Filter (Domestic Goods)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Enzyme Re-Processor Capsule (Ingredient)
consumable: yes

400 Wood
350 Corn

Enzyme Purity:
DR: 20%
OQ: 80%
Mutagen Potential:
DR: 20%
OQ: 80%

Advanced Control Unit (Engineer)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Incubator Unit (Item)
consumable: no

25 Metal
10 Polymer
10 Low-Grade Ore
10 Copper
10 Inert Gas
15 Polymer

Mechanims Quality:
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%

Advanced Micro Sensor Suite (Engineer)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Incubator Unit (Item)
consumable: no

20 Steel
15 Metal
10 Low-Grade Ore
25 Inert Gas
15 Copper
1 Electronics GP Module (-> Engineer)
1 Control Unit (-> Engineer)
1 Energy Distributor (-> Engineer)

CD: 33%
OQ: 66%

Element Processing System Fuse (Engineer)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Element Processing Canister (Ingredient)
consumable: yes

250 Copper
500 Low-Grade Ore
500 Gemstone

Enzyme Purity:
OQ: 50%
UT: 50%
Mutagen Potential:
OQ: 50%
SR: 50%

Enzyme Centrifuge Motor (Engineer)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Enzyme Centrifuge (Item)
consumable: no

400 Steel
750 Copper
350 Low-Grade Ore
500 Inert Gas
1 Enzyme Centrifuge Burst Piston (-> Munitions)

Enzyme Purity:
OQ: 50%
UT: 50%
Mutagen Potential:
OQ: 50%
SR: 50%

Enzyme Extraction Control (Engineer)
needed by: Munitions
needed for: Enzyme Extractor (Item)
consumable: yes

500 Steel
500 Copper
250 Low-Grade Ore
750 Chemical

Enzyme Purity:
OQ: 50%
UT: 50%
Mutagen Potential:
OQ: 50%
SR: 50%

Element Processing Control Unit (Munitions)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Element Processor (Item)
consumable: no

500 Steel
500 Copper
250 Aluminium

Enzyme Purity:
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%
Mutagen Potential:
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%

Element Processor Plasma Array (Munitions)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Element Processor (Item)
consumable: no

250 Steel
750 Gas
250 Aluminium

Enzyme Purity:
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%
Mutagen Potential:
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%

Enzyme Centrifuge Burst Piston (Munitions)
needed by: Engineer
needed for: Enzyme Centrifuge Motor (Component)
consumable: no

575 Steel
575 Iron
575 Gas

Enzyme Purity:
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%
Mutagen Potential:
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%

Enzyme Re-Processor Coolant (Munitions)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Enzyme Re-Processor Capsule (Ingredient)
consumable: yes

250 Steel
500 Gas

Enzyme Purity:
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%
Mutagen Potential:
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%

Enzyme Extractor (Munitions)
consumable: yes

250 Steel
750 Aluminium
250 Copper
1 Enzyme Extraction Canister (-> Domestic Goods)
1 Enzyme Extraction Control (-> Engineer)

Enzyme Purity:
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%
Mutagen Potential:
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%

Element Processing Canister (Structures)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Element Processor (Item)
consumable: yes

250 Steel
500 Low-Grade Ore
1 Element Processing System Fuse (-> Engineer)
1 Element Processing Filter (-> Domestic Goods)

Enzyme Purity:
OQ: 33%
UT: 66%
Mutagen Potential:
OQ: 66%
SR: 33%

Element Processor (Structures)
consumable: no

250 Steel
500 Low-Grade Ore
500 Iron
1 Element Processing Control Unit (-> Munitions)
1 Element Processor Plasma Array (-> Munitions)

Enzyme Purity:
OQ: 33%
UT: 66%
Mutagen Potential:
OQ: 66%
SR: 33%

Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Tray (Structures)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Enzyme Centrifuge (Item)
consumable: yes

425 Steel
1 Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Filter (-> Domestic Goods)
1 Enzyme Centrifuge Separation Mixture (-> Domestic Goods)

Enzyme Purity:
OQ: 33%
UT: 66%
Mutagen Potential:
OQ: 66%
SR: 33%

Enzyme Centrifuge (Structures)
consumable: no

400 Steel
700 Low-Grade Ore
150 Gemstone
1 Enzyme Centrifuge Motor (-> Engineer)

Enzyme Purity:
OQ: 33%
UT: 66%
Mutagen Potential:
OQ: 66%
SR: 33%

Enzyme Re-Processor Capsule (Structures)
needed by: Structures
needed for: Enzyme Re-Processor (Item)
consumable: yes

500 Copper
250 Low-Grade Ore
1 Enzyme Re-Processor Coolant (-> Munitions)
1 Enzyme Re-Processor Filter (-> Domestic Goods)

Enzyme Purity:
OQ: 33%
UT: 66%
Mutagen Potential:
OQ: 66%
SR: 33%

Enzyme Re-Processor (Structures)
consumable: no

650 Steel
350 Copper
250 Iron

Enzyme Purity:
OQ: 33%
UT: 66%
Mutagen Potential:
OQ: 66%
SR: 33%

Incubator Unit (Structures)
consumable: no

400 Metal
50 Mineral
2 similar Advanced Control Unit items (-> Engineer)
2 similar Advanced Micro Sensor Suite items (-> Engineer)

Mechanism Quality:
CD: 50%
OQ: 50%
OQ: 50%
UT: 50%
Last edited by Genie on Thu May 10, 2007 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The fleecy cloud may kiss the sky...the rose may kiss the butterfly...the morning dew may kiss the grass...and you, my friend, can kiss my ass!

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Post by Genie »

Bio Engineering your Pet: Starting from Scratch

Last edited by Genie on Thu May 10, 2007 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The fleecy cloud may kiss the sky...the rose may kiss the butterfly...the morning dew may kiss the grass...and you, my friend, can kiss my ass!

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Post by Genie »


Remember you have the option of purchasing your enzymes and DNA from other players as well.

**note** if you are creating a mount the quality of your materials/components do not matter.


First you must decide what pet you want and go find it. The pets natural or "wild" level does not drive the quality of the DNA sampled, it is a dice roll modified by your expertise. Strive for an 88% or better DNA sample.


Additionally this site will allow you to view what the creature looks like and what planet is spawns on. It also contains waypoints to natural spawn areas. It is a little outdated as it shows the publish 24 pet specials, all in all a good site.


As you are out and about use the command /forage. This will produce an animation of your avatar scavenging the ground and you will either find something or not. You are looking for a lyases enzyme. You will need three Lyases enzymes to create your egg. Lyases come in 9 different colors. This enzyme affect a number of attributes randomly, sometimes it will guarantee an effected attribute.



After you have killed a creature loot it. You can find Isomerase (Iso's) by looting killed creatures. The higher the level of the creature the higher the rating of the Iso. You will need 6 Iso's to create your egg. Iso's come in 9 different colors.


Realize that all BM equipment/components have stats, and they matter. All crafted items that have stats are in bold. If you are going for a mutation you will need all your equipment and the components used to make them to have high mutation stats, and the same will hold true for purity stats. The hydrolase(hydro) purity value represents how many skill points you will be able to spend in the incubation process.

Please look at the chart in the link below for interdependancies.

Chart of Bio-Engineer Crafting Equipment & Basic Process Flow by Oracle74.

You're going to start with an enzyme extractor. It can be either a high mutation extractor or a high purity extractor. Kill a high level creature (Malkocs = 5-6 value), elites are best (Krayts, SherKer Acklay, etc 7-9 value), then use the extractor to get the hydro. Shoot for a mutation or purity value of 9.0 on your extracted hydro to end up with an 18-20 valued hydro. You will need 3 hydros.


The following is only if you want to have a reprocessed hydrolase, you can use the looted one. A re-processed hydrolase is not required.

Then you take the hydro and place it into a centrifuge with a separation tray, to get two random enzyme elements. You can get either an A, B, C, D or E enzyme element. Remember the centrifuge produces two random elements it is very likely you will need to breakdown 5 to7 hydros to get one full set of enzymes A-E.


Now you take your individual enzyme elements and place them each into a separate enzyme processor with an enzyme element canister. This will produce one processed enzyme element, it will be a new color one for each letter A-E and when you examine it, it will state ‘True".


Next take your processed element enzymes A-E and place them into an enzyme re-processor with an enzyme capsule. This will create a re-processed hydro with much better stats than you started with. You can take a hydro with a stat of 5 and turn it into a 12 pretty much all the time with average stats on all your equipment/components.


Now you have a piece of DNA, 3 lyases, 6 Iso's and 3 hydro enzymes.
Last edited by Genie on Thu May 10, 2007 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The fleecy cloud may kiss the sky...the rose may kiss the butterfly...the morning dew may kiss the grass...and you, my friend, can kiss my ass!

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Post by Genie »


Now that you have collected all of your raw genetic material you need an Incubator (Incs). Incs have two ratings, quality and function. Function affects the amount of time each incubation stage will take, the higher the functionality rating the quicker the stage. Quality affects the mutation chance and the overall statistics of the pet. A high quality pet takes longer but is better.

Incubation has three stages. First you must target the incubator and by using the radial button and deposit Geothermal power into the incubator, each stage takes 2500 units of power. Then you select open incubator and deposit your DNA. Next you select experimentation session from the radial menu and are taken to the experimentation screen (shown below). Here you will use the raw material you collected to begin creating an egg. Each stage takes 1 hydro, 2 Iso's, 1 lyases and 2500 units of geothermal power.

Isomerases Enzyme slot 1 works with the temperature gauge to determine your bonus points for damage and armor. The sliding bar to the far left increases or decreases the temperature of the incubation session, which also drives the color and attributes of your pet. For example a high temperature, warm colors will increase damage whereas a low temperature, cool colors will increase defensive abilities.


Slots 2 (Lyases Enzymes) and 3 (Isomerases Enzymes) work together to determine your creature's attributes and bonuses.


The purity value of the hydrolase enzyme represents how many skill points you will be able to spend during each session goes into slot 4. If a hydro had a purity stat of 5.9, then you will have 5 points to use on the pets skills.


A great data collection on enzyme colors was done here:

Enzyme color experiment (now with results and conclusion)

Creatures each have 6 skills. The skills are displayed on the incubator controls and may be adjusted during each of the three experimentation sessions.

Survival and Bestial Resilience (green) represent a creature's defensive skills.
Cunning and Intelligence (yellow) represent a creature's intellectual skills.
Aggression and Hunter's Instinct (orange) represent a creature's aggressive skills.

The sliding nutrient bar next to these skills allows you to distribute the points where you would like to.
After you have placed your enzymes and selected your settings click the commit button on the lower right hand side. Then target the incubator and examine it to see the current stats of your pet and the time remaining in the current stage.


There are three stages ranging from 12-24 hours each, after the third stage you will have the option of creating an egg. Select that option and open the incubator and retrieve your egg.


CONGRATS! To begin again you must cleanse your incubator.
The fleecy cloud may kiss the sky...the rose may kiss the butterfly...the morning dew may kiss the grass...and you, my friend, can kiss my ass!

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Post by Genie »


Now that you have your egg you can hatch it. If the egg's DNA comes from a pet that can be turned into a mount AND YOU HAVE THE EXPERTISE BOX you can turn your egg into a mount.

If you want to level your pet you can, if you want to keep your pet small in size you have the option of turning "gain experience points" off. Otherwise it's off to Tatooine to grind the early levels. It is recommended that you follow the legacy quest to find spawns of the appropriate level to level your pet.

Use the pet toolbar to command your pet. On the far right of the toolbar there are two settings passive and defensive. You can tell which is selected because it will be outlined in white. If the pet is set to passive it will not defend you. Additionally if you have taught your pet a special you can set it to repeat by right clicking on it. This way your pet will use the special when it has action available to do so.


Your pet will let you know how it feels. Pets have likes and dislikes, remember what they are. Pets will like a certain food, planet or activity.

Food list

Blubbery Fish Substitute
Coarse Fish Substitute
Cooked Fish Substitute
Cooked Meat Substitute
Dry Fruit Substitute
Fatty Fish Substitute
Fatty Meat Substitute
Juicy Fruit Substitute
Sour Fruit Substitute
Stringy Meat Substitute
Sweet Fruit Substitute
Tender Meat Substitute
There are also pet supplements that greatly increase the xp gain for your pet. You can increase the gain by up to 500% by using these supplements. These supplements can be purchased from munitions traders. Below is the list of supplements available for each pet.

Supplement A : Borgles Bats Banthas Bolmas Dewbacks Guf-Drolgs And Tulruses
Supplement B : Jaxs Sand-Panthers Gurrecks Kimas Langlatches Narglatches Tusk-cats Durnis Squalls And Vir-Vurs
Supplement C : Grauls Grondas Kash-banthas Rancors Snorbals Thunes Bagerasets Brakasets Eopies Falumpasets And Gurnasets
Supplement D : Fambaas Huf-Duns Malklocs Tortons Gnorts Gubburs Spined-pucs And Worrts
Supplement E : Bolle-bols Condor-Dragons(mantrigues) Rontos Sharnaffs Ikops Murras Perleks Swirl-prongs And Vernes
Supplement F : Gurks Hanadaks Veermoks Gulginaws And Kai-toks
Supplement G : Bordoks Gualamas Krahbus Tybis Bocatts Bolotaurs Dune-Lizards Kimogilas varactyls Vesps And Voritor-lizards
Supplement H : Dalyrakes Klikniks Mereks Mamiens Purboles Shaupauts Skreegs Quills And Woolamanders
Supplement I : Capper-spineflaps Carrion-spats Corellian-butterflys Fynocks Mynocks And Vynocks
Supplement J : Boar-Wolves Motts Robas Peko-Peko And Zucca Boars
Supplement K : Blurrgs Cupas Kaadus Kwis Mawgaxes Pugoriss Quenker Stintaril And Womp-Rats And Blistmok
Supplement L : Bark-Mites Horned-Krevols Lava-Fleas Rock-Mites Shear-Mites Tanc-mites Crystal-Snakes Fanned-Rawls And Spined-Snakes
Supplement M : Anglers Gaping-spiders And Hermit-Spiders
Supplement N : Nunas Chokus Slice-Hounds Huurtons And Kusaks.

When your pet is sad do something it likes, to increase its mood. A happy pet earns more XP and does more damage.
The fleecy cloud may kiss the sky...the rose may kiss the butterfly...the morning dew may kiss the grass...and you, my friend, can kiss my ass!

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Post by Genie »

Special Thanks to Ian of WS for some of the crafting info he ripped from the forums someplace. Also to Kracken on the BM forums who made the insightful post regarding the actual use of the Incubator and the parts inherent. Many more thanks to give, but I dont feel like looking those names up atm.
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Post by Crow »

Genie wrote:
Thu May 10, 2007 8:17 pm
Special Thanks to Ian of WS for some of the crafting info he ripped from the forums someplace. Also to Kracken on the BM forums who made the insightful post regarding the actual use of the Incubator and the parts inherent. Many more thanks to give, but I dont feel like looking those names up atm.
What a noob.
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."

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Re: Beast Master Info/Guide

Post by Genie »

The fleecy cloud may kiss the sky...the rose may kiss the butterfly...the morning dew may kiss the grass...and you, my friend, can kiss my ass!
